It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged.

Life gets in the way, doesn’t it? But is it really getting in the way if I’m not blogging or is it that I’m just enjoying where we are right now? I prefer to say I’m enjoying life. <3

Being a business owner isn’t the easiest venture. Trying to balance motherhood, studio work, household tasks, sessions, bookkeeping, office work, social media and just throw in emails and editing to make sure you cover everything. But it is such a beautiful opportunity, one where you get to work with the most amazing people, love on your family a little more and treasure those fleeting moments at home (while also capturing those same precious moments in each client’s life).

It’s not easy.

It’s making sure you put God and your family first. It’s making sure you cross all your T’s and dot all your i’s for your business. Being a business owner allows for creativity and expression, even when you’re feeling uncreative or feeling the pressure of social media.

Being a business owner is giving of yourself to make your work your best work. But it’s also making sure you take time for self-care in between. It’s valuing your work and all that it involves.

It’s caring for your clients, prepping them for each session - caring for their concerns and their needs. Answering those texts, DM’s and emails - even if not immediately. It’s arriving early (if possible) asking all the questions beforehand so YOU are as prepared for your meetings and sessions as you can be.

But overall, as a photographer, it’s delivering the product you would want for your own family. Making sure you capture those angles and details in each moment.

Wherever you are, be who you need to be for yourself and strive to look out for your clients. THEY are worth it. When you value them, they value you.

So if you’re struggling in the madness of motherhood and everyday life (whether you are a mom, a photographer or a business owner)- just remember that all it takes is giving one thing at a time. Sometimes it’s so crazy around our house that that’s all I can do is focus on the ONE most important thing. And the next free moment I go to the NEXT most important thing.

Dear business owner, mother, friend, photographer - wherever you are, you’ve got this.

Photos taken in North Carolina for this beautiful fam! This little man is now EIGHT (8) months old! Where does the time go?!?!